Only 5 days left 'til Christmas! This will only be the second time my husband and I will celebrate Christmas here in Sydney. The first was in 2008. We've been spending our holidays in Manila the past two years. This year we couldn't go home because I'm due to give birth in January so we flew my mum and youngest sister here instead. It would've been great if the family could all be here but of course that's not a possibility.
As what I did last year, I'd like to look back on all the things that happened to me & my family this year.
January - My husband and I welcomed the New Year with my family in Manila. We flew back to Sydney just before my husband's birthday. We didn't have our own place yet (we lived in Tamworth before we went on our holiday) so we stayed with our friends in Gladesville while we were looking for one. Luckily, we found a unit in Mount Druitt before the month ended. We moved into the unit on 22 January. Before I forget, my husband got me a washing machine. Yay! :D
February - Not much happened this month. In addition to the stuff we kept in storage, we bought a sofa, some home furnishings and kitchenware to make our unit 'homier'. :)
Kiama Rock Pool |
March - I turned a year older, hopefully a year wiser as well. To celebrate, we went on our first road trip south of Sydney -- to Kiama. We had fun, more so my husband, although the blow hole did not 'blow' when we were there. He swam in the rock pool. We had fish & chips and ice cream for lunch.
This month, we started our Christian Life Program (CLP) in preparation for joining Couples for Christ (CFC).
I had blood tests and ultrasound towards the end of the month in preparation for the next step in our TTC journey -- IVF.
April - We consulted with our Fertility Specialist (FS) on 5 April and we finalized the protocol for our IVF/ICSI. We had our orientation on 12 April where a nurse showed my husband and I how to administer the drugs I would be needing (via injection, of course). I started my first injection on 15 April. There was no looking back after that. I had blood test and ultrasound almost every other day. Just for fun(!), I added and I had 7 blood tests and 5 ultrasounds. :))
May - I had egg collection on 2 May and then embryo transfer on 7 May. After that, it was an agonizing wait to find out if I'm pregnant or not. My pregnancy blood test (beta hCG) at the clinic was scheduled for 18 May but I couldn't wait that long (impatient much!) so I did a home pregnancy test on 14 May and the result was positive. My beta hCG confirmed this. My husband and I were so happy. We shared the wonderful news with our immediate family and closest friends. I started acupuncture on 21 May. My all-day sickness started SOON after.
June - We had our 7-week scan on 9 June. This was the first time we saw our 'jellybean' and its heartbeat. Such a precious moment! We graduated from the CLP on 5 June.
July - Our 12-week scan or Nuchal Scan happened on 15 July. I decided to temporarily call our bub Bee until we find out his/her gender. Thank God, the results of the scan came back normal. I had my initial interview at Blacktown Hospital (where I will give birth) on 26 July.
August - We found out that we're having a BOY at our Morphology Scan on 25 August. By this time I was already 19 weeks pregnant. We've decided to name him Jacob Lucas. I had my first doctor visit at the hospital on 30 August.
September - I had my first antenatal check up on 28 September at almost 24 weeks. My husband and I celebrated our 12th Anniversary/6th Wedding Anniversary on the 30th of the month. Happy times!
October - We had our babymoon at Wisemans Ferry from the 16th to the 18th. This month I also started my Aqua Natal Class.
November - We again 'saw' Jacob at our 3D/4D Scan on the 12th. My husband and I attended the first part of Parent Education Session at the hospital on 26 November.
December - The second part of our Parent Education Session happened on the 3rd. Jacob and I gradated from Aqua Natal class on the 6th. We had a growth scan on the morning of the 9th at 34 weeks. Then in the evening, our CFC Family gave us a baby Shower. We had so much fun! :)
As you can see, 2011 has been a great year not only for my husband and I but also for our family. God has given us the biggest blessing of all, Jacob. We can't wait to meet him in a few weeks time! In the meantime, I'm enjoying the remaining weeks of my pregnancy. I know I will surely miss having Jacob inside my tummy. :)
♥♥♥ A Blessed Christmas and a Prosperous New Year from My Family to Yours! ♥♥♥