Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thank you, Lord!

Thank you, Lord
-- for giving me a relatively good day today and yesterday. I'm feeling a little better everyday. Hopefully this continues but it's fine even if it doesn't. [I spoke too soon. Haha. Oh well, it's all for a 'wonderful cause'. :D]
-- for another milestone today, 10 weeks. Yay us!!! :)
-- for giving my husband and I the opportunity to live here in Australia. I just realized that it's been 3 years yesterday since we came here. And what an amazing 3 years it has been. I can only smile when I think of all the wonderful things You still have in store for us. For all of these, we praise and we thank you!

P.S. I'm so sorry for being on hiatus these past weeks. I have a lot going on right now. I'll explain later. Hopefully, I can go back to blogging regularly soonest.