Note: This entry was written on 18 May but I've only just decided to publish it today. :)
Hello! It's been a while since I last made an entry about what happened to our IVF/ICSI journey. Well, it's been an emotional roller coaster all right. My husband and I felt a whole gamut of emotions, especially me since I was the one injecting myself with all those drugs. BUT overall, I feel that it has really been a great cycle. Yes, I had some minor side effects like headache and cramps but they were manageable even without taking any medicine. And we also have two great frozen embryos (for later :)). For all of these, WE PRAISE AND WE THANK THE LORD!
First Response, Early Result / 14 May |
This was the first HPT (home pregnancy test) that I took. As you can see, I labelled it 7dp5dt. It means 7 days post 5-day transfer which basically is a week after a 5-day embryo or blastocyst was transferred to me. I used a FRER (First Response, Early Result) pregnancy test. This HPT is very sensitive that it can detect the pregnancy hormone, hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) 6 days before the missed period. I actually wasn't supposed to test that early but the night before I dreamt that I tested and that I got a BFP (big fat positive!!!). That dream felt so real. The emotions I felt were so real. So when I woke up that morning at around 5:30, i took the test. And I couldn't believe my eyes! It said I was pregnant! To make sure that I wasn't just imagining things, I woke my husband up. It was too early for his liking and it was Saturday but he had no choice. We were over the moon with the results. This was the FIRST TIME EVER that I have gotten a positive result in a HPT.
Confirm / 15 May |
I again tested the following day, but using a different HPT -- Confirm. This HPT is not sensitive like FRER. Infact it said on the leaflet that it can detect pregnancy 14 days from conception of the first day of missed period. Had it said something like that in the box, I wouldn't have bought it. I thought it was also like FRER but only found out that it's not after I have opened the boxes (we bought 2 boxes = 4 tests). I thought the test wouldn't even be able to detect the hCG in me because it was only 13 days since my egg collection. But it did, albeit the faintest line.
Confirm / 16 May |
I tested everyday until my blood test on the 18th of May. I was afraid the result will change. LOL. I was also sending daily emails to my sister back home just so they are up-to-date with what's happening with me. The result line on the 9dp5dt test was noticeably darker than that of the the day before. :)
Confirm / 17 May |
As at 17 May, I have done 4 HPTs. As you can see, the result line is getting darker everyday.
Confirm / 18 May |
This was the last one I took before I had my beta hCG and progesterone blood test that same morning (18 May). And so, as the results of my blood test say, I AM PREGNANT!!! My husband and I are so thankful for this blessing. A huge THANK YOU to all the people who prayed for us and for the success of this cycle. Please continue to do so, that my remaining 8 months of pregnancy be healthy and happy. I can't believe it, I'm going to be a mum! :))
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