Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 1 and Day 2 Updates

It's been two days since my EC and as such I have had 2 phone calls from the scientists, one for each day. I would just like to say that it's very nerve wracking waiting for update calls. I'm anxious and hoping for the best but don't I know how I would react if it's not good news.

Anyway, yesterday was Day 1. I received the call around 11am. Two of the eggs weren't mature enough so they didn't bother injecting them at all. Good news is the rest of them, all 8 eggs, fertilised normally overnight. So we now have 8 nice little embryos. We praise and we thank you, Lord! We're over the moon with this news but it's still early stages.

I got the call today, Day 2, a little before 11am. Another good news from the scientist! All 8 embryos are growing nicely. They now have between 2-4 cells which is what she said is normal. We praise and we thank you, Lord!

I just noticed, the scientists tend to use the word 'normal' a lot. Hmmm, I wonder why. So on to Day 3. According to the booklet they gave us, embryos at Day 3 should have 8 cells. But then again everyone is different. I remain hopeful and optimistic. As what I've told my mum through SMS this morning, we must have faith that everything happens according to God's plan. :)

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