I had another BT (blood test) and US (ultrasound) this morning. My follies (follicles) have grown a bit since last Wednesday but only two are "ready" according to the nurse. The rest are "average". I have one follicle that's still 9mm but the rest are >10mm, just not big enough. At the rate I'm going I'll probably have EC (egg collection) on Wednesday which I think is a bit late since it would be Day 20 of my cycle. But that's not my only concern. During the scan, the nurse found an endometrioma near my left ovary.
Now, that's scary. I was just operated on by my FS (fertility specialist) last October for endometriosis!!! I don't understand why it's coming back so soon. I'm afraid they'll tell me that it's going to affect this cycle and that I can't continue.

P.S. I want to share this 'quote' I got while I was watching One Tree Hill S08E18 last week :
Every child comes with a message that God is not yet discouraged of us.
Beautiful, right?
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